What is the caffeine content of tea

Did you know dry tea has more caffeine by weight than coffee? You use more coffee grounds than dry tea per cup. A cup of steeped tea contains significantly less caffeine than a cup of coffee the same size.

Generally, studies show that tea has between 40 and 120 mg caffeine per eighth-ounce serving. Similar studies show that coffee has about 80-206 mg caffeine per eighth-ounce serving. So even at the highest caffeine levels, tea has only half the caffeine content of a cup of coffee.

Caffeine levels are related to how long tea is steeped. The longer tea steeps, the higher the caffeine content.

Another fact to consider is that caffeine in tea is different from that found in coffee. Tea leaves contain an amino acid called L-theanine and theophylline. They work together with caffeine to create a balanced energetic feeling in the body.

Rather than feeling a surge of energy than a sudden crash, as you sometimes do with coffee or other caffeinated beverages. You may feel a more gradual and refreshing rise in energy. That eventually balances itself out into a calmer, clearer and more focused state.

If you want to try a black tea that will keep you going and knock your socks off with flavor, give Millions of Peaches a try. It's black tea with A LOT of freshly dried peaches. 


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